Wednesday 9 January 2013


I have hardly posted at all since New Year - I must apologise. I decided to have a spring clean (for spring clean read "empty every single box, drawer, cupboard and bag into the middle of the sitting room and reorganise from there").

It has taken me over a week to get it sorted but finally I feel like my life is organised. I actually enjoyed doing my kitchen cupboards, but then the fun factor kinda ran out. Everything in my kitchen is now super accessible though (and I've even thrown out the tins of food that were out of date.. why did I ever buy tinned carrots?!).

During the week of tidying I have kept to pp pretty well - I used my weeklies for a take away curry last weekend (although I have a low pro point curry recipe to share soon) and this week I have managed not to dip into my weeklies too much, just a few here and there for maltesers so I'm hoping for a good loss. My next aim is to start putting some exercise back into my life as I haven't done anything more than walk around the supermarket since before Christmas!

So there is my apology - lots of good recipes coming up over the next few days though, enjoy!

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